Patio *~
is a graphic design studio that translates imaginative ideas into practical applications.


Visual identity and website for the VCFA Graphic Design thesis exhibition in Summer 2023.

A typeface project that manifests abundance through the use of humble materials.

An science-based study tool that partners with American universities to aid students in deeper learning.

Epic Fail
A tool for the classroom that helps students embrace failure and reflect on personal accountability.

The Current
Positioning a Rhode Island gift shop as a local tastemaker and contemporary curator.

Engaged with the iCapital marketing team to bridge the gaps between brand messaging and product capabilities.


Project Type
Creative Practice, Type Design
Kyla Paolucci
Federico is a typeface modeled after the sign-making practice of my grandfather, a solitary World War II vet who drafted his progressive philosophies in electrical tape for all those who passed his home. His practice employed humble materials to manifest abundance despite his own economic barriers. 

Type design has become more accessible over the years with free software and online instruction. Federico, however, is an analog process that must leverage desktop tools to exist in a predominantly digital market. Serving not only as a typeface, Federico is a system that connects me to my generational roots as a designer by embracing traditional methods while adapting to modern tools and technologies.